1st TIR-FOR SYMPOSIUM From territory studies to digital cartography October 26th-27th
From territory studies to digital cartography
ORGANISED BY: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC) and Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics (SCEH)
Scientific Committee:
Josep Guitart (IEC)
Marta Prevosti (IEC, ICAC and SCEH)
Luisa Migliorati, Laura Ebanista (Sapienza University of Rome)
Fathi Bejaoui and Moez Achour (National Institute of Heritage, Tunisia)
Judyta Rodzińska-Nowak (Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Polish
Academy of Arts and Sciences)
Mihai Bărbulescu (Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and Romanian
Florin-Gheorghe Fodorean (Babeș -Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca)
Georgios Zachos (Academy of Athens, Research Center for Antiquity)
Núria Romaní (ICAC and UAB)
Ada Cortés (Sapienza University of Rome and ICAC)
Pau de Soto (ICAC)
Antoni González Senmartí (Rovira i Virgili University and ICAC)
Ferran Arasa (IEC and University of València)
Josep M. Palet and Héctor Orengo (GIAP – ICAC)
Registration: https://www.iec.cat/jornades/tirfor2020.asp
For more information: sceh@iec.cat activitats@icac.cat
Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona, Spain
The great possibilities offered by digital cartography have made it an essential
tool for investigating and disseminating knowledge of the Roman world. Joining
efforts exponentially increases the potential of results from research and it is
increasingly evident that important achievements require international networks
of researchers with common goals and agreements regarding the methodology
to be applied to their work.
Given this situation, it is of vital importance for the studies of settlement,
communication networks and economic elements, toponymy and archaeological
topography, as well as studies of the territory and landscape, that form the basis
of many of these cartographic processes should use commonly agreed
methodologies to allow, collectively, interaction and the construction of maps of
the Roman world, exploring the huge potential offered by Linked Open Data. A
network needs to be set up between the different research groups so they can
reach agreements regarding the mapping of the elements under study and, at
this point, evaluate the research being carried out and provide a forum for
For these reasons, the International TIR-FOR Commission is organising the
FIRST TIR-FOR SYMPOSIUM, an event to encourage reflection and discussion
regarding the inextricable interaction between research into settlement, territory
and archaeological topography and digital cartography. The Symposium is
therefore open to researchers interested in this field.
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